About Brand A Newsletter

Brand A Newsletter is a world-first endeavour to create a meaningful and sustainable new revenue stream for selected reputable Freemium and Free Media Owners to become more financially viable and enlarge their vital societal role as the bastions of democracy.

Brand A Newsletter’s other clients are Subscriber Clients involved in business or other activities. They are offered an opportunity to Personally Brand a daily newsletter provided by the participating Freemium and Free Media Owners. These daily newsletters, with their Top-of-Mind promotion, are sent to their chosen clients and customers, enhancing their relationships and revenues.

Brand A Newsletter (Pty) Ltd is proud to have conceived, created and be involved in improving Freemium and Free Media Owners financial viability, further enhancing their democratic social roles, and ensuring the Brand A Newsletter Subscriber Clients develop increased trust and revenues from their selected recipient clients and customers.

It’s a Win: Win: Win strategy with enhanced democracy also being a beneficiary.

Brand A Newsletter (Pty) Ltd is advised by the Neville Berkowitz Group, established in 1977.